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magic tooth fairy door

magic tooth fairy doormagic tooth fairy door
Have you come across these before? Tooth fairy doors. I would have loved to discover one in my room when I was little, but alas, in my family tooth fairies didn’t exist. Whilst looking if I could source one of these little secret doors for a new project, I came across the image above on Kate’s Creative Space, accompanied by a lovely DIY. I’m off to order some of that miniature hardware now. If you’re not up for crafting one yourself, you can buy one ready to go here.

(images: kate’s creative space)


  1. This is such a precious idea. My mom used to buy these same doors years ago when she was decorating my dollhouse for me 😉

  2. Sweeeet! Milk on the porch for promoting tooth-strengthening calcium! And the package in front of the door holds the tooth, I presume?

  3. Wow, this is stunning!

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